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These two comments speak a lot about Mr Trump’s evolving presidency. Both are strong, nationalistic and proud leaders who exude confidence, energy and dynamism and unfold an inspiring vision for their respective country: make it great again! Mr Trump, the first US businessman President and Mr Modi India’s shrewdest politician with Guajarati business acumen in his veins, should be able to strike win-win deals for both sides in spite of serious differences on certain economic and strategic issues.

People participate in the “March 4 Trump” rally at George Rogers Park at Lake Oswego, Oregon, where supporters of President Donald Trump and counter-demonstrators gathered on Saturday.Mr Trump must unequivocally condemn China Aluminum extrusions profile suppliers外部リンク the violent attacks on innocent people and order stern action against the perpetrators lest the whole fabric of multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, pluralistic American society is destroyed.Vowing to defend the US from radical Islamic terror he revealed that the department of defence was developing a plan to demolish and destroy the ISIS network.Coming on the heels of Michael Flynn’s exit, attorney general Jefferson Sessions seems on a slippery road with unforeseen consequences.., President Donald Trump delivered his maiden address to the joint session of the US Congress on March 1, which has been described by the New York Times, a known critic as “the most presidential speech he has ever given."


