
Google’s decades of deep

As Assistant and Alexa get smarter, faster and more personalized, analysts expect their reach to become broader and more ubiquitous.Amazon and Google may one-up each other on different metrics, but the real measurement is how well they’ve achieved those own goal, said Gartner analyst Werner Goertz. Google’s decades of deep search technology make it the leader in looking up or answering questions you might have and personalizing its responses based on what else Google knows about you from your previous searches, your movements or your web browsing. Over time, however, it has added dozens of languages, partnered with more than 1,500 smart home companies to control lights, locks and TVs and learned to identify members of any given household by voice.Although voice assistants have spread across smartphones and into cars and offices, they’re currently most commonly found in the home, where people tend to use them with smart speakers for simple activities such as playing music, setting timers and checking the weather.

Amazon’s Echo devices maintain a strong lead in the market, according to eMarketer; the firm estimates that 63% of all US smart speaker users will talk to an Amazon device this year, compared to 31% that will use Google. (Photo: AP)When Google launched its now distinctive digital assistant in 2016, it was already in danger of being an also-ran.”Google Assistant doesn’t record users commands by default — differing from Alexa — but recording must be turned on to access some of Assistant’s China rv lights caravan lights Suppliers外部リンク features, including a popular one that allows it to recognize different users by voice. Last year, Amazon unveiled a number of home gadgets with Alexa built in, including a “smart” microwave.” Eventually, she says, if you can speak to your microwave and TV and lights directly, you won’t need the speakers — except maybe to play music. The company is expected to announce a less expensive Pixel phone and updates to its smart home devices.


