
Do take note that all your posts do not get sent

Do take note that all your posts do not get sent all at the same time; it is designed and created this way so that you can get a natural flow of in-bound links to your site. When you sign up to become a member, you will have access to the Linkvana system where you will be able to write unlimited number of unique posts with a link to your site for each post. It is not what you may think of as black hat technology. These are permanent links, by the way.

Do you need to hop from one relevant blog to another to do a post?
No, you do not have to go to each of the Linkvana blogs because they are to remain untapped. When you say one-way quality back links, you do not have to return the favor by providing Machining Fixtures外部リンク the link back to the source or what they may call as reciprocal links; with a reciprocal link, you are not really guaranteed of a permanent link. It is very important that our pages get indexed so that we can get a good ranking in the sight of the search engines.

Again, Linkvana is a linking service that can provide you with good in-bound links. Linkvana has a friendly user interface where you can submit all your posts for your web site and Linkvana takes care of sending your posts to their relevant blogs. If you have a lot of those in-bound links coming from relevant pages or blogs, search engines will generally regard your web site as something of importance and value that it gets indexed frequently and ranked highly. A healthy page rank would mean a good web site placement or position in the search engines when users start searching for the competitive key words or anchor texts that match the ones you also have for your site.

How can the Linkvana system provide healthy in-bound links?
Linkvana has a good number of blogs or special network of old blogs that they guarantee to be untapped and with healthy page ranks that range from PR 2 to PR 5.
Instead of using too many link building tools all at one time and not getting the desired results, do you want to simplify your link building campaign and be happy that you did? If you are not familiar with the Linkvana system, then you should not miss reading this article.

Why do we need in-bound links, anyway?
We need in-bound links so that our web site gets rightfully indexed by Engine System外部リンク major search engines like Google.
For a while now, a lot of internet marketers use this linking service in place of or in addition to the linking building tools that they already have. For membership details and other information, you can check out the Linkvana site. For every unique post you create that has a link to your site, you get a one-way in-bound link. This is a pure linking service, definitely a white hat one, which can provide you with one-way quality back links.



