
Studies did show that children without gluten

Others also say that it may not work for some. The risk would have been eliminated if their digestive system is working properly.The effects of gluten and casein on autistic children are still being debated and discussed, as with most of the issues surrounding this highly controversial issue, but many tests and individual testimonials have claimed and proven that the substances produced by these proteins can indeed by hazardous to children with autism. Also, wouldnt it be difficult to completely remove these food items, considering how wheat and milk products are common in most childrens meals?

Studies did show that children without gluten and casein receive less calcium and copper. However, a proper diet could still provide an autistic child with all the nutrition he or she deserves. Although not all test results were positive, a significant number of these studies conclude that there is at least a connection between gluten and casein and autism. Experts claim, including the medical researcher Kalle Reichelt, that this peptide can produce opioid like effects, which blocks the pain receptors of the body and hinder their cognitive, motor, and linguistic skills, as well as their behavior and concentration.

They can also concentrate more, lessening hub motor suppliers外部リンク the occurrence of their repetitive actions. The effects of a gluten and casein free diet would not immediately occur.Those who are propagating the gluten free and casein free diet say that these proteins can be hazardous because they can produce chemicals that are potentially hazardous to the body. However, it isntas the leaky gut symptom of autistic children can prove.

They become more socially adept (as compared to their previous state) and their cognitive and motor skills are vastly improved.An interested study done regarding this subject was conducted by the University of Western Ontario in Canada.Of course, parents of autistic children would wonder if removing wheat, rye, and milk products (the source of gluten and casein) in their childs diet could cause more harm than good. At the very least, elimination of gluten and casein in an autistic childrens diet can produce a number of positive improvements in their motor, social, and cognitive skills.So when an autistic child is given a gluten and casein free diet, the opposite holds true.



