
And I know that if I chose the first person

Invariably they have been part of such a group, formally or informally, in the past. And in my experience they found it beneficial and were sorry when it ended. Often their association has sponsored peer groups among its membership. In many cases they have been part of a dealer peer group created by the company that manufactures the products they sell or distribute.

So when I offer to help organize a peer group for them and their peers - as a volunteer, they jump on it. We make a bargain. They put together the names of people they know and trust in their industry and I agree to take care of all the details.

These are smart people, so they know that my goal is to demonstrate my value to them and the other members of their group. No sales pitch - this is real.They also know that I actually have to demonstrate that value over a period of time in front of a half-dozen business owners like them. This is trial by fire.

And I know that if I chose the first person well and by extension helped sort out the rest of the members based on that same criteria - that I could not spend my time more productively.Just think, an hour or so twice a month modeling your best abilities in the presence of six successful business owners. Imagine the possibilities.

What you will have done is create a situation that is guaranteed to deliver results, if you deliver the goods.Every time I organize a peer group like this I end up with a key account or two from the group.And more often than not, one of the people in the group I never get as a client ends up referring me to one or more of their colleagues who become key accounts.


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