
The effects of placebo

Most trials generally show that the homeopathic medicine works as well as the allopathic medicine.

Homeopathic trials comparing homeopathy versus allopathic medicine usually have come out quite favorable to homeopathy. However, many people take aspirin even though fragrance diffusers外部リンク they have no idea how it works.
. Some of the research studies come out quite positive but others have not show too much difference than the placebo. It would interesting to see how some of the untested allopathic medicine compare to a placebo. They think the medicine that they are taking helps them to get rid of their ailment. Certainly many of these trials did not follow procedures as homeopaths would practice. Patients psychologically believe that this type of medicial treatment is helping them.

A placebo effect may exist in all forms of medicine just not homeopathy.

Another interesting question is how do dogs, cats and babies respond to a placebo? These groups are not aware that they are taking medicine so the placebo effect does not really exist within these groups.

Homeopathic trials with placebos are much more of a mix bag of trials.

The effects of placebo in allopathic or western medicine has not been studied extensively. The exact way aspirin cures headaches is unknown today. How much a dog, cat or baby would get better on their own is not know if they had not taken a placebo. How much a placebo effect can help a patient is unknown? Research does suggest that placebo can be help patients cure their ailments but this is far from conclusive. However, the placebo pill may make the person feel better since they are inclined in thinking the medicine given has helped them. So much does the placebo effect actually help is brought into question?

Some research studies have shown that inactive substances made with sugar or water can help patients approximately 1/3 of the time. The person automatically becomes better even though the medicine contained no real substance.The placebo effect is a mechanism where someone is taking a medicine that contains really nothing. However, the placebo effect may exist with the person giving the medication.

The placebo effect can also be difficult to measure due to the fact that many people can cure their illness just on their own.

Many critics point out that homeopathy works because of the placebo effect. The person giving the medication may feel an improvement in the condition within these groups because they had provided a remedy. A large percentage of allopathic medicine has never been properly research and tested. Examples of this would be a trial of 146 people that showed homeopathic nasal spray treated hayfever as well as the allopathic spray. The body's own immune system helps to fight diesease and taking the placebo pills really would not speed up that process. Most people are not sure how western medicine works. These are small research studies and they are certainly not conclusive. Many homeopathic medicines contain no active substance so any benefits realized with homeopathy must be due to a placebo effect.


