
Rekindling the flame doesn't have to be complicated

There's no time like the present to start rekindling the flame on that romantic trip, and there's no better way to tell your loved one about it than with a wonderful Message in a Bottle package.

And let's not underestimate the power of someone else's words. But with Message in a Bottle, that fruit becomes so abundant, you can barely gather it all! Message in a Bottle is the perfect companion to rekindling the flame.

If you're planning to whisk your special someone away on a romantic vacation, use a Message in a Bottle to unveil your plan! Wrap up Perfume Jars Suppliers外部リンク a fancy package filled with your plane tickets and an intimate bottled message. And don't forget that special gifts are a great way to start rekindling the flame; why not add one to the package, as well?

Rekindling the flame doesn't have to be complicated, though. Give your loved one a Message in a Bottle that says, simply, "you've made me the happiest person alive. And don't just stop at one! Do this everyday for a week, and watch the sparks fly. Rekindling the flame is vital, desperate, yet sometimes it's a fruitless search, one that gets harder by the year. Years into a relationship and it starts to lose its luster. You still adore your significant other, of course, but the pizzazz is gone. Things are starting to look a little dull, a little gray, and you're chilled to the bone. Make sure you tuck the bottle away in a place tied to something unpleasant; your loved one will appreciate the Message in a Bottle all the more if he or she finds it while carrying out the daily chores!

Of course, you can hide these bottled treasures in plenty of pleasant places, too. Keep it simple, and you'll be overwhelmed with the results." Set it on the kitchen table, or somewhere else equally as obvious. After all, it only really took one glance to get you this far, didn't it?
. Honestly, sometimes it only takes the smallest of gestures for the biggest of results. You could even hand it to him or her, the execution doesn't matter here.

With love comes love notes, and love notes are the very cornerstone of rekindling the flame -- especially when they're completely unexpected! Surprise your special someone by burying a Message in a Bottle customized with your love note (or poem, if you feel daring) deep in a pile of laundry or the bill drawer. Looking to start rekindling the flame in your intimate lives? Slip a Message in a Bottle under your significant other's pillow, one customized with the memories of your favorite intimate moments together. If you and your loved one have a special song, why not print an excerpt of the song lyrics in a Message in a Bottle and place it by the stereo? Try the song that was playing when you first met, or maybe even the song you danced to at your wedding! This is bound to set your loved one's heart aflame. The fire.Rekindling the Flame with a Message in a Bottle

We've all been there. You just need a little bit of creativity -- and a whole lot of love. Just make sure you've got a copy of the CD and your dancing shoes nearby; no one said rekindling the flame wouldn't require physical activity



