
Completely optimized for this task

Just take this program, and get more efficient. Sagax Soft provides that kind of tool precisely in the sense that PDF reports can be viewed easily.

Sagax Soft provides brilliant services in the field of directory reporting. You will be able to have detailed information, which would include for example the duplicate files that are present, and find the largest directories, or even find the ones that have been modified recently. This allows you to view them in HTML or PDF formats, and even send by email, and even archive them.Brooklyn, NY () January 18, 2013 - Are you looking for the best way to create directories in the quickest manner possible? Do you want software, which makes it easy for you to convert everything on your hard disk into report, so that it can be carried around easily? If that is the case, then you can do that with Segax Soft, which is brilliant in creating reports of the files and directories that are stored on your hard disk?

However, Sagax Soft provides such a tool, which just does not create proper reports, which are highly analytic in nature from hard disks, but also from network folders and FTP services. The tool provided by this company has a huge range of directory reporting services, which will be helpful for you

One of the outstanding factors is that there is full support of the FTP protocol. Therefore, if you want the number of customers, who visited the network in one particular month, you can specify that particular month. This would save time for you. A directory reporting tool needs to have excellent support for viewing. You can always streamline the time, structure and design of the report, through the handy and direct visual style. Therefore, the same folders would not have to be scanned repeatedly, and then there would be no need to type names and passwords. However, Sagax Soft can assure of the fact that it is the only company in the market, which is providing you a tool, which is completely optimized for this task.

So, if you have not made up your mind, as yet, you should understand that the directory tool is able to create around 18 types of different reports.

What is the unique thing that makes this particular directory tool stand out from others? Sagax Soft has been making this tool for quite some time, and for this reason, it has earned a name for itself. This keeps a proper track, when it comes to security concerns. Furthermore, you can also save those directories that are used frequently in one particular profile.

The main aim of the tool is of course to create reports.

This means that you can get specific reports. This means that it is one of the fastest in the markets, and is able to support FTP folders, which other programs are not able to do so. Do not think twice. This means that reports will always be available, irrespective of the location of the files.


