
The purpose of this paper is to describe how Battery

The purpose of this paper is to describe how Battery Life Saver works and what makes it different than other products on the market. To understand how Battery Life Saver works, it is first necessary to understand how batteries work. The beginning of this paper is a non-technical description of the workings of a battery and of Battery Life Saver. The second half of this paper describes the chemistry, mathematics and physics of batteries and Battery Life Saver. I have assumed that the person reading the second half has a technical background.


What is a battery, anyway? A battery is a device that stores electricity by means of chemical changes inside the battery.

How do you use a battery to produce an electrical current? A battery has two poles, one plus and one minus, with a chemical solution between them. When you charge the battery, you put electrons into the battery through the negative terminal and take them out through the positive terminal. This causes a chemical reaction which stores the electricity. When you use or discharge the battery, electrons are drawn from the battery through the negative terminal and flow back into the battery through the positive terminal. This causes a chemical reaction which frees up the electrons that were stored earlier. The positive pole has a shortage of electrons; the negative pole has a surplus of electrons. The electrons flow from negative to positive. That is what produces the current.

What makes a battery slow down, become weak and die? The chemical reaction which stores the electricity in the battery involves creating lead sulfate from lead on the negative plate and lead oxide on the positive plate. These reactions release electricity from the battery. Conversely, storage of electricity (when you charge your battery) converts grounding rod lead sulfate to lead oxide and lead. Both of these reactions are reversible.

It should all continue that way, except for one tragic flaw! Lead can combine with sulfate in two different ways. The first way discussed above is beneficial. The second form of lead sulfate results in a crystal which does not conduct electricity and cannot be converted back to lead or lead oxide. It forms a layer on the plates which blocks the beneficial reaction from taking place. As more area of the plate is covered with this lead sulfate crystal, the battery losses power.

How does the usual battery maintenance help batteries?

Usual battery maintenance consists of

keeping the battery clean. This removes or prevents the formation of discharge paths (accumulations of dirt and battery acid) on top of the battery. Putting water in the battery to replace water that evaporates during charging and discharging. Keeping the battery charged as much as possible - charging the battery after every use. That prevents to some extent the second kind of sulfate from forming.
Even if the above is done, what does the usual battery maintenance leave out? There is no usual battery maintenance procedure for dissolving detrimental lead sulfate buildup. Lead sulfate crystals can actually build up while the battery sits on the store shelf! This is so true that few have ever experienced a completely"new" battery. No amount of charging and no voltage, no matter how high, will remove the second type of lead sulfate.

In Pb4 compounds, the additional two electrons in the S subshell are also combined to form a covalent bond. These are the lowest energy compounds of lead. They are very stable, do not conduct electricity and generally do not enter into chemical reactions, because all of the electrons are bonded. Both Lead-2 and Lead-4 sulfate are crystalline in form. In the battery, if lead-2 sulfate, formed when the battery is discharged, is allowed to remain on the plate any length of time, and if the temperature is high (above 70 degrees Fahrenheit), It convert to lead-4 sulfate. Lead-2 sulfate is easily converted to lead oxide and pure lead by applying sufficient voltage to the battery, whereas no amount of voltage will convert lead-4 sulfate. Dissolving Lead-4 Sulfate There are some chemicals which are claimed to dissolve or remove lead-4 sulfate crystals in batteries. However, the best way to dissolve the crystals is to use an electronic signal to excite the resonant frequency of the individual crystals. When the individual crystal is excited by a signal with sufficient power at its resonant frequency, the energy level of the crystal is raised sufficiently to break the covalent bond and allow the lead-4 sulfate to convert back to lead-2 sulfate. Each of the individual lead-4 sulfate crystals is a radio receiver, most operating at frequencies in the A.M. band. This can be illustrated by the fact that when Marconi/Tesla invented the radio, they used a galena crystal as a receiver. (Galena is an impure form of lead sulfate crystal.) The A.M. band that was originally established by the F.C.C. was chosen because that is the predominant band of the galena crystal.

Since lead sulfate crystals that form in a battery are many different sizes, corresponding to many different frequencies, a method must be found to excite as many of these crystals as possible with sufficient power to cause them to dissolve.


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