
This will allow you to make use of the wall space

Dressers are next in importance. If space is tight you may want to see if you can purchase highboy dressers instead of chest dressers. This will allow you to make use of the wall space, since these dressers are vertical instead of horizontal. If you have a horizontal dresser, add it first before adding the dressers with the smaller footprint.

If your room is big enough, you may want to consider adding a blanket/storage chest at the foot of the bed. This is a great place to store additional pillows and blankets for those cold winter nights. Storage always seems to be at a premium in homes and the foot of a bed is a great place to add storage easily.

A well-designed room doesn't happen by accident. Even if you do a layout on a piece of paper you may have to make adjustments on the fly as you're placing furniture in your bedroom.

That's because you can't see how the height of different furnishings affects the look of the room. In other words, several tall dressers grouped closely together can make an otherwise spacious room look crowded.When placing furniture in your bedroom, ask yourself if a piece that just doesn't look right is really necessary. In smaller bedrooms a chair may just not fit.



