
Move to a cutting board close by and cut across

Move to a cutting board close by and cut across the grain, leaving the rest of the meat turning on the spit.5-4 hours, standing rib, 2.

Whole sheep and butts of beef are the most suitable for spit roasting, although pork and other cuts of beef may also be used.5 hours, saddle, 1. It is important that the spit turns smoothly, otherwise uneven cooking will result. Allow this to burn for 45min to an hour to establish a bed of coals; then set the meat turning on the spit.5 - 2 hours
Beef: butt, 2. It is absolutely essential to spike or tie the meat so that it does not slip on the spit. Do not use damp sand, as it is liable to pop when heated.

If the barbeque is using solid fuel, it will be necessary to light a good fire using hardwood. This will direct the heat and reduce the amount of fuel required. Leaving the thickest joints until last, continue in this way until all guests have been served.

Lamb: whole carcass, 2-2.5 hours

Carving a large roast requires some dexterity and good planning.
. While the spit roast is cooking, fuel should be added at the sides and allowed to heat and smoke for 15 minutes before being pushed onto the main fire bed, because it is the hot radiant coals that do the roasting. Pine is unsuitable. Roasting time will then depend on the prevailing wind, amount of shelter, type of wood or fuel, intensity of fire, etc.5 hours
Pork: suckling pig, 3-4. If possible, close in at least one side of the fire.5-3. For a gas barbeque, preheat for 15 minutes and set the spit to LED High Bay Lamp外部リンク turn on its rack. The spit should turn slowly so that the fat and juices roll around the meat to give a self-basting effect.From time to time, the professional cook is called upon to prepare a spit roast in the open air and some knowledge of this procedure is therefore necessary. Large joints should be 60-80cm from the top of the fire bed. Balance the spit with weights if available, to assist even turning. It may be necessary to make a way for the spit with a long knife or sharpened spike.

Prepare the meat by skewering it on a spit strong enough not to bend. A basting spoon and a pan of fat should be prepared and the meat must be basted at frequent intervals. If the meat is frozen, it must be completely thawed before cooking. The fire may be set on a bed of coarse dry sand that will help to ventilate the fire and act as a heat bank, as well as prolonging the life of the fire box.

Approximate Cooking Times

Note that times may vary greatly if the spit roast is outdoors. Start by following the dissection for primal cuts and take off a joint such as a shoulder or leg. Spits should be electrically operated from mains supply or a generator. The distance from the fire depends on the size of the joint. The equipment may be hired or permanently installed. Hired equipment may be fired with bottled gas in a similar way to a barbeque grill, or it may require solid fuel such as wood and heat beads.


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