
The WR had also banned any activity within

However, the team failed to arrest any culprit as they somehow escaped the spot. The development comes a couple of days after this newspaper reported about the local residents complaining about the illegal sand mining damaging the Vaitarna rail bridge. However, the warnings were clearly ignored by the powerful sand mafia. Speaking about the raid, Vasai tehsildar Gajendra Patole said, “We conducted a sudden raid and destroyed 22 fibre boats and three diesel engines.

Police sub inspector at Virar police station, Tushar Bhadane said, “We have seized black soil and also blown film extruders Manufacturers外部リンク destroyed sand mining equipment at the site as per the orders of the Vasai tehsildar.am on Sunday, destroyed 22 boats and three diesel

Acting against illegal sand mining in Vaitarna river, a team of revenue department officers led by Vasai tehsildar raided the surrounding area at 5. However, we were unable to nab anyone involved in illegal sand mining as we conducted the raid in the wee hours.30 am on Sunday, destroyed 22 boats and three diesel engines used for suction pumps, and seized black soil worth lakhs.Acting against illegal sand mining in Vaitarna river, a team of revenue department officers led by Vasai tehsildar raided the surrounding area at 5.

The WR had also banned any activity within 500-metre periphery of the rail bridge.”Earlier, following confirmation that rampant sand mining had damaged the bridge’s foundation, the Western Railway (WR) initiated preventive step by putting coarse sand-filled bags around the bridge’s foundation. Nonetheless, We took the action to send a strong signal to the illegal miners


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