
Your competition may not be prepared for the Time Shift

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<p>Since the Earth turns at 600+ miles per hour and we have 4 times zones in the US, actually 6 if you count Alaska and Hawaii. It is a time when the free market hands out awards for good service and strategy. If you are in the S. It was to improve the efficiency of energy supply and demand issues originally. It is a time to think about increased efficiency needs. Nuclear is best next to hydroelectric power. Last Winter was good on the Industry one of lightest on records, costs for energy were not LED Low Bay Lamp外部リンク catastrophic although we did have spikes which could be felt in the Northeast as many small business owners complained about natural gas costs, although mostly due to the lack of new sources. If you are a farmer or feeding livestock there are issues with the water. Also more fees for country courts. This is probably the best opportunity you will have all year to acquire new accounts from the competition. This will leave you more time with those who want more personal contact.</p>

<p>If you are on the end of a time zone like in Seattle, Portland or in Boise, Amarillo, Indianapolis, Knoxville, Louisville, it can be tough on them. Polls change as the ads begin. Remember that your competition now is dealing with price per gallon issues and trying to remain efficient with delivery vehicles and/or service vehicles and when they are additionally hit with shorter work days their stress level peaks, it can separate the prepared from the ill prepared, the winners and losers. This can cause problems in business due to scheduling and phone calls. And you may only have an hour or so to knock on doors before it does get dark. If you are above the southern most states you may need to follow the winter plan more carefully. Lots of businesses drastically change and if they do not have a plan then they will lose profits, lay off workers and be disrupted until they get back into the new reality. If you live in a Northern State and are a landscaper or work with water, then the water freezes and you need sun to warm it up or wait until later.</p>

<p>. Which, we almost have. Probably because it works so well to get votes. Be smart and follow a strategic plan. But, not as much as you think.</p>

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<p>The Farmers Almanac calls for a middle of the road winter with perhaps a Scientific American Article pointed out above average ambient temperatures of 5-6 degrees hotter than usual, claiming Global Warming and inferred light increasing atmospheric temperatures. You will find actually some customers prefer this type of contact. This takes more police, more jails and court time. It is not a time to buy more units or train new employees on the job, it is a time to hone skills and cut teeth in the market, Get tough on service, get tough on competition, and play to win. Where many people will complain about the daylight savings time use it to your advantage. You should be ready prior to the time change with employees and items you need to stay on top of your customers. You will see contractors working out of enclosed vehicles with boxes and covering around equipment in truck beds. Does it still work for that purpose. Also it would be important to get some early morning accounts and appointments. Using enhanced scheduling software is one way to increase efficiency. Let your competition falter and call customers back explain your changes and modifications to your schedule, try not to make excuses why it cannot be done and there is no time, customers will not appreciate that as they themselves need better service as they find themselves with less time in the day. Mans eyes are much better in the light than dark and so innately we do our work in the day. If you do not pay attention you could easily cost your self $60-100 per day if you are a single employee small business, this can cause severe stress on a marriage or family.</p>



