
Towards the bottom is a physical volume

Specifications at a glance:-6 digitally recorded, calming sounds: White Noise, Thunder, Ocean, Rain, Summer Night, Brook. However, the audio is definitely soothing to the ears and the speaker produces it in multi-directional form being facing upwards.-4 x Battery or adapter operated. This will help in getting better sleep and wake up completely charged. There are several noise machines and apps available out there. Whether sounds disturb your sleep depends on factors such as the stage of sleep youre in, the time of night, and even your feelings about the sounds themselves. About the size of a small portable Bluetooth speaker, the SoundSpa sports a dual tone silver and white colour

This is why, for example, a parent could sleep soundly through her partners snores but wakes fully when her baby fusses. (Excerpts from sleepfoundation. The sounds from the SoundSpa can help cut the distraction to your kids from other sounds in the home, such as a vacuum cleaner, the air conditioner, blender, cookers, etc, which the child is not used to hearing on a daily basis, and which could startle her, disturbing her sleep or feeding routine.

However, if someone needs a single function device, this could be it. While most of us are used to the hustle and bustle of life around us, we never know what pin drop silence actually sounds like.At the price of Rs 1,999, we do feel it steep as the same could be replicated by conventional Bluetooth speakers probably half the price.-15-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute auto-off timer. If you want to make sure your baby is sound asleep, we could recommend you this sound box.Ambient noise is what helps relax many out there.

You could relate it to noise cancellation, but not by negating the ambient sound. Some resort to light music while studying, sleeping or working, others prefer different methods such as keeping their windows open to outside noise, and alike.As for the performance, the device does work as stated. It is known that adults sleep or relax better to white noise. The white noise can help block or mask the unwanted sounds from outside the room.  This device is aimed to be a medical device and hence it is made as a single function device. Research has also shown good effects during infant feeding sessions. It also has a soothing or calming effect on infants and newborns. However, at the price of Rs 1,999, it seems like an expensive affair, especially where one can simply download the said noise tracks on a smartphone or a compatible Bluetooth speaker which people nowadays already own. The SoundSpa is highly aimed for those who have newborns or infants at home which can help parents soothe their kids while sleeping or feeding.

Interestingly, whether or not a sound bothers your sleep depends in part on that sound#s personal meaning: researchers have seen that people are more likely to wake when a sound is relevant or emotionally charged. The device is powered by a 6V power adapter and can be alternatively powered by four AA batteries that go underneath.What we found strange was that the device could also be a multi-functional system where the brand could have opted for a rechargeable battery instead of using standard AA batteries, thrown in a mood lamp or emergency night light, added an FM radio or could have made it into a Bluetooth speaker itself. The price is pretty steep, which could probably see no takers. And when we are actually in a place of pin drop silence, we can hear a weird tweeeeing sound in our ears that tend to irritate us to the worst.

The centre has a speaker grille and the track buttons are placed all around it. The audio is soothing enough, but lacks a little bass — it seems like a simple standard speaker driver is being used to produce the sound. Have you had issues sleeping in dead silence your clock’s ticking sound can also keep you awake? Or even that dripping tap in your bathroom that sounds louder than usual?Yes, many people, especially adults, have an issue relaxing, concentrating or sleeping to unwanted noise from the environment. Noise can jostle your slumber—causing you to wake, move, shift between stages of sleep, or experience a change in heart rate and blood pressure—so briefly that you don#t remember the next morning.The purpose of this speaker is to mask external noise and distractions and help you relax and gain better sleep. From white noise to natural sounds from nature, it completely depends on what soothes you better. It can get pretty loud so that it can be used for multiple people in the room or if used in a larger room.

SoundSpa is a product from HoMedics and is certified as the Official Sound Conditioner by the National Sleep Foundation of America. The tracks are Thunder, Ocean, Brook, Summer Night, Rain and White Noise. Sound machines are basically electronic audio machines that produce white noise for those who have issues with dead quiet environments. In fact, it helps you mask the distraction. This machine is a simple standalone electronic device that features a small speaker and a built-in amplifier with 6 types of pre-recorded audio tracks. It is an aid that some need to sleep or concentrate on what they need to do. The SoundSpa is completely portable and you can take it anywhere you want, be it a hotel room, outdoors on a camping trip or to a friend’s place.-Compact, lightweight for easy portability.Built with plastic, it is rugged and strong and is about the size of a small portable Bluetooth speaker.Built completely of plastic, it is rugged and strong.org)In order to help you or your family members sleep better and be more relaxed, it is important that you have ambient noise around you, especially during sleep hours. On the right to the volume button is a timer button that allows you to play the track for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes or continuously till turned off. However, this device is medically approved and certified as the Official Sound Conditioner by the National Sleep Foundation of America, it definitely assures you that it has been tuned for the right sound frequencies.SoundSpa is a product from HoMedics, which probably will get you covered if you are planning on investing in a noise machine for yourself


