
The Safety Requirements Of The Optical Fiber Distribution Box

  The switchgear, measuring instruments, protective appliances and auxiliary equipment, etc. assembled in a closed or semi-enclosed box or screen width so as to constitute a fiber-optic distribution box, so what are the safety technical requirements of the fiber-optic distribution box, the following to follow the China Fiber Optic Splice Closure Manufacturers外部リンク to carry out this specific understanding of it.

  1, all fiber optic distribution box door should be equipped with a lock, shall not be in the fiber optic distribution box and switch box hooked up or plugged in other temporary electrical equipment, switch box is strictly prohibited to place debris.

  2、Each electrical equipment shall have its own special switch box. Each electrical equipment at the construction site should have its own special switch box, and must meet the requirement of "one machine, one gate and one leak", and it is strictly prohibited to use the same switchgear to directly control two or more electrical equipment (including sockets). There must be a leakage protector in the switch box, the rated leakage action current should not be greater than 30ma, the leakage action time should not be greater than 0.1s.

  3, the electrical box, switch box should be installed on the right side, firm, not upside down, skewed. Fixed fiber optic distribution box, switch box bottom and ground vertical specific should be greater than 1.3m, less than or equal to 1.5m; mobile distribution box, switch box bottom and ground vertical distance should be greater than or equal to 0.6m, less than or equal to 1.5m.

  4, into the high-voltage fiber-optic distribution box power line, strictly prohibited with a pin connection; fiber-optic distribution box, switch box box body material, generally use steel plate, can also use insulating board, but should not use wooden materials; the distance between the electrical box should not be too far. The distance between the Optical Fiber Distribution Box外部リンク and the switch box should not exceed 30m. The horizontal distance between the switch box and the fixed electrical equipment should not exceed 3m.


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