
Remember, they are bog plants, not water plants

<p>Remember, they are bog plants, not water plants (big difference!).</p>

<p>At that point, I was very puzzled.</p>

<p>If you were to explore the United States alone, you will find carnivorous plants in nearly all of the 50 states, including Hawaii and Alaska.</p>

<p>Bogs, on the other hand, contain fresh water, usually bubbling up from an underground spring, and can be found on mountaintops and other places far away from the ocean.</p>

<p>Secret T5 Fluorescent Lamp外部リンク2: Brighten their days with full sun. Keep the light source about 6 to 8 inches above the plant, and keep it on for 12-14 hours per day.</p>

<p>In that case, local tap water will do just fine. You need to know what type of plant you have to determine whether it requires winter dormancy or if it needs to be indoors during those cold winter months. Remember, not all carnivorous plants are created equal. So, it is important that you give these guys enough root space. In most cases, this would be in March.</p>

<p>Nearly all carnivorous plants grow in bogs, which are constantly wet. It does not need to be blessed by a Tibetan monk, but it should at least have low levels of minerals (less than 100 parts per million).</p>

<p>SECRET LED High Mast Lamp外部リンク2: Brighten their days with full sun. Anything less than that will cause your plants to struggle for survival. You can adjust the recipe by adding more perlite or other inert matter to increase the drainage. If you see a bog in nature, you will notice that there are no trees in it.</p>

<p>The only types of carnivorous plants that are not exposed to full sun in the wild are Asian Pitcher Plants, Butterworts and some species of Sundews.</p>

<p>Most people confuse bogs with marshes.</p>

<p>But, before your plants start soaking their little feet, make the water is relatively pure. This is true with Asian Pitcher Plants.</p>

<p>One more thing: some carnivorous plants prefer not to have their feet dunked in water. Other species have long deep taproots.</p>

<p>This soil recipe is sufficient for 80% of all carnivorous plants.</p>

<p>I immediately knew which plant she had seen, so I held up a Purple Pitcher Plant and she exclaimed, "Yes, that is the plant I saw!"</p>

<p>I then told her how easy it was to grow that plant outdoors all year round, to which she replied, "But during the winter, you have to bring them indoors, right?"</p>

<p>"Why would you need to do that?"</p>

<p>"Because it will get too cold for them," she stated with authority. It gets much colder in Canada than it does in Oregon. Without their winter rest, they get very cranky and may fail to grow in spring. If you are like me, you might have several thousand. So, all plants growing in a bog are exposed to full sun. This will prevent fungal infections and increase sunlight to the base of the plant. So, if you want to duplicate what they experience out in nature, you need to provide constantly wet soil.</p>

<p>Secret #4: Season your plants. Marshes typically are closer to the ocean and contain slightly salted water. Use a tray, bowl, saucer or any container that holds water.</p>

<p>Each secret is an important part of the foundation on which you can grow beautiful carnivorous plants all year round. When you follow these simple steps, your carnivorous plants # will have no choice but grow into healthy and beautiful plants that you can be proud of!</p>


<p> </p>

<p>Hopefully, your plant came with a tag that identifies its species. Think of how you feel when you do not get enough sleep. If the water has a lot of naturally occurring minerals or additives to make the water soft, consider hooking your hose up to a reverse-osmosis unit.</p>

<p>Secret #5: Repot yearly and hold the fertilizer.</p>

<p>Lets start with sun.</p>

<p>You learned:</p>

<p>Secret #1: Correctly identify the type of carnivorous plant you have.</p>

<p>Now you know what types of carnivorous plants you have, give it the proper sunlight.


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