
This position isolates the lower body

This position isolates the lower body and core muscles through movements. Go down and up with your sticks.ExecutionKeep your one leg in front and one at the back keeping enough space in between your legs, keep the shoulders raw back and back straight. In a 45 to 60-minutes class you burn out almost 900 calories. Lunge Position When you think of a workout, ‘fun’ isn’t usually a word that comes to mind.”Since it’s considered a highly technical workout, it’s recommended that you give it a shot under the right supervision. Focus on flexion and extension at the hips, knees and ankles throughout each move. Because of the music and the fact that you’re holding drumsticks, you hardly feel like you’re doing a workout.

PoundFit trainer and owner of the Sculptasse Fitness Studio, Shivani Patel, explains, “The workout is done only using drumsticks called as Ripstix that weigh about 1. And now, it’s in India.

What’s more, it’s a music lover’s dream.. Movement may be performed with both feet. Go straight down and children umbrella外部リンク up for 15 times pounding the sticks on the floor and above the head.Kit PositionExecutionStand with your feet wider and shoulder aligned, keep the back straight, push your buttock backwards, keep your force on heels so you can pull up your feet. Do not loosen your body.PoundFit, a combination of cardio and strength training, will have you burning calories to the beat of a drum. Plus, it helps improve your mind-body coordination too. Kit movement may include: Trunk Rotation, Leg Lifts and Abdominal Contractions.T&A PositionT&A stands for Thighs and Ass. This position is known for its complexity and intensity. It includes movements such as lateral bends, pivots, plyometrics, core rotations and knee drives.Kit PositionExecutionSit straight leg with knees together, lift your legs keeping your shoulders align, inhale and move back. This is a lying supine position.4 pounds to add a little bit of resistance. Exhale and move the shoulders back, keep the knees together and twist your body right and pole the sticks.Kit PositionNamed after sitting at a drum kit, Kit is a seated c-curve position.Lunge PositionLunge Position involves holding a deep lunge for an extended time period. Keep the body straight and one by one elevate and pound the stick on the floor.Inspired by Yoga and Pilates, PoundFit is a cardio and workout technique conceptualised in the US by a couple of drummers with a passion for heavy beats and a rockstar state of mind.

They (the drummers who started PoundFit) haven’t made it so easy that anybody can do it, but you need an instructor to guide you,” Shivani says. But a cool new workout called PoundFit could have you rethinking the way you stay fit. Repeat the action 15 times and come forward. All abdominal tracks start on the mat in Kit Position. Burning calories and getting that dream body means sweating it out at least a couple of times a week. On the next round, keep your feet on both the corners, bend down with your hips and back as tight as possible, kneel forward and push your shoulders back, pound the sticks on left and right one by one for 15 times before you come back into the starting position. Keep it rigid.Set PositionStand with feet shoulderwidth apart, toes slightly out, pelvis tucked under, and the core engaged.ExecutionPelvis tucked under, maintain a long spine, relaxed jaw, engaged transverse abdominal, minimise lower back arch, roll though vertebrae, inhale down, exhale up.

The music chosen has beats that will have you picking up and pounding the sticks continuously, so all you need to do is learn how to hold them properly,” Shivani adds, assuring us that it’s not a gimmick — it’s a complete workout that helps you release stress while getting into shape.PoundFit is all about the music — once you have the right beats, it’s not difficult keeping a session engaging, exciting and challenging. Keep your abs tight and lunge down almost dropping your self on the floor with stick and standing back up



