
All these departments are closely linked with one another

Mamata Banerjee EVA umbrella外部リンク Kolkata: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee is planning to reduce the number of departments of her Cabinet by merging some of them and bringing them under a broad umbrella.According to a top official of the state secretariat, Ms Banerjee will truncate her ministerial departments to 50-52 from the existing 63. Before coming to power, she would assert that she will preside over a smaller council of ministers. However, the demonetisation decision by the Centre has delayed the matter,” the official said According to sources, departments like technical education, mass education, madrasa education, bio technology et al may be brought under one broad umbrella. However, her party won such a massive landslide that it became difficult for her to decide which MLA to include in or drop from her ministry. Disaster management which is now a separate department may be again clubbed with the fire department. The chief minister wants to put an end to this,” the official said.”A bureaucrat considered close to the chief minister said that Ms Banerjee had directed chief secretary Basudeb Banerjee three months ago to prepare a list of departments that can be clubbed into a single and broader department.The chief minister believes a trimming of the huge council of ministers will “speed up development process”. Apart from bringing down the number of ministerial departments, the New Year is expected to witness some reshuffle of departmental secretaries. In fact, she had often criticised Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee’s huge cabinet.In principle, Ms Banerjee is opposed to a large council of ministers. But if the number of departments are reduced then it is obvious that some wings are going to be clipped. “The chief secretary completed the assignment given to him his by end November and Ms Banerjee would have taken a final call on the decision in December itself.

All these departments are closely linked with one another but because they are being handled by different ministers, the movement of files from one department to another is slow.On being questioned whether some cabinet ministers will lose their portfolio, if the departments are merged, the Nabanna official said,” The chief minister and the CMO have not discussed anything about some ministers losing their portfolios.

The chief minister believes a trimming of the huge council of ministers will “speed up development process”. . The decision is expected to be effective by the beginning of 2017.. Departments like agri marketing and food processing may be merged under the broad head of agriculture


The researchers said this could mean global climate

The researchers said this could mean global climate models, which expect soils to be a sink, may overstate the China wholesale hex nuts外部リンク ability of terrestrial ecosystems to lessen the impacts of climate change. "So at least in Wyoming, my data suggests soils acted as a source, not a sink, for carbon dioxide, which could provide new information as we try to figure out where our climate is heading. However, additional studies are needed to see how soils reacted to the PETM in other parts of the world.Baczynski said, "The instrument she developed will help with similar fossil research and has boarder applications to study materials with low carbon levels, like extraterrestrial samples that could someday come from Mars.5 million years ago that's considered the best analog for modern climate change.She explained that, in the Bighorn Basin, it appears that high PETM temperature, seasonally intense precipitation, or a combination, accelerated organic matter decay rates such that they outpaced plant productivity and ultimately resulted in reduced soil organic carbon during the PETM. (Photo: ANI)

Washington: According to an international team of scientists, rock core samples from a period of warming millions of years ago indicate soils contributed to a rapid rise in atmospheric greenhouse gas and suggest modern climate models may overestimate Earth's ability to mitigate future warming.According to the researchers, ancient soils from a site in modern-day Wyoming acted as a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide, emitting the greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, and not a sink, trapping and storing carbon underground."Baczynski spent parts of four years improving the sensitivity of the equipment by two orders of magnitude, and using that tool, the team collected the first biomarker record of the PETM from terrestrial core samples.".The findings were published by The Journal Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.Researchers discovered a drastic drop in organic material preserved in sections of core samples from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a global warming event 55. "

We see the amount of carbon drops drastically, by orders of magnitude, during this PETM event," said Allison Baczynski, a postdoctoral scholar in geosciences at Penn State and lead author on the study.Scientists find clues on how soils may respond to climate change.5 million years ago that's considered the best analog for modern climate change. Researchers discovered a drastic drop in organic material preserved in sections of core samples from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a global warming event 55


This position isolates the lower body

This position isolates the lower body and core muscles through movements. Go down and up with your sticks.ExecutionKeep your one leg in front and one at the back keeping enough space in between your legs, keep the shoulders raw back and back straight. In a 45 to 60-minutes class you burn out almost 900 calories. Lunge Position When you think of a workout, ‘fun’ isn’t usually a word that comes to mind.”Since it’s considered a highly technical workout, it’s recommended that you give it a shot under the right supervision. Focus on flexion and extension at the hips, knees and ankles throughout each move. Because of the music and the fact that you’re holding drumsticks, you hardly feel like you’re doing a workout.

PoundFit trainer and owner of the Sculptasse Fitness Studio, Shivani Patel, explains, “The workout is done only using drumsticks called as Ripstix that weigh about 1. And now, it’s in India.

What’s more, it’s a music lover’s dream.. Movement may be performed with both feet. Go straight down and children umbrella外部リンク up for 15 times pounding the sticks on the floor and above the head.Kit PositionExecutionStand with your feet wider and shoulder aligned, keep the back straight, push your buttock backwards, keep your force on heels so you can pull up your feet. Do not loosen your body.PoundFit, a combination of cardio and strength training, will have you burning calories to the beat of a drum. Plus, it helps improve your mind-body coordination too. Kit movement may include: Trunk Rotation, Leg Lifts and Abdominal Contractions.T&A PositionT&A stands for Thighs and Ass. This position is known for its complexity and intensity. It includes movements such as lateral bends, pivots, plyometrics, core rotations and knee drives.Kit PositionExecutionSit straight leg with knees together, lift your legs keeping your shoulders align, inhale and move back. This is a lying supine position.4 pounds to add a little bit of resistance. Exhale and move the shoulders back, keep the knees together and twist your body right and pole the sticks.Kit PositionNamed after sitting at a drum kit, Kit is a seated c-curve position.Lunge PositionLunge Position involves holding a deep lunge for an extended time period. Keep the body straight and one by one elevate and pound the stick on the floor.Inspired by Yoga and Pilates, PoundFit is a cardio and workout technique conceptualised in the US by a couple of drummers with a passion for heavy beats and a rockstar state of mind.

They (the drummers who started PoundFit) haven’t made it so easy that anybody can do it, but you need an instructor to guide you,” Shivani says. But a cool new workout called PoundFit could have you rethinking the way you stay fit. Repeat the action 15 times and come forward. All abdominal tracks start on the mat in Kit Position. Burning calories and getting that dream body means sweating it out at least a couple of times a week. On the next round, keep your feet on both the corners, bend down with your hips and back as tight as possible, kneel forward and push your shoulders back, pound the sticks on left and right one by one for 15 times before you come back into the starting position. Keep it rigid.Set PositionStand with feet shoulderwidth apart, toes slightly out, pelvis tucked under, and the core engaged.ExecutionPelvis tucked under, maintain a long spine, relaxed jaw, engaged transverse abdominal, minimise lower back arch, roll though vertebrae, inhale down, exhale up.

The music chosen has beats that will have you picking up and pounding the sticks continuously, so all you need to do is learn how to hold them properly,” Shivani adds, assuring us that it’s not a gimmick — it’s a complete workout that helps you release stress while getting into shape.PoundFit is all about the music — once you have the right beats, it’s not difficult keeping a session engaging, exciting and challenging. Keep your abs tight and lunge down almost dropping your self on the floor with stick and standing back up


Along with the regular black two fold umbrellas

Along with the regular black two fold umbrellas for the more stoic souls, foldable umbrella外部リンク there are plenty for those looking for a bit of an adventure. Harsha Purohit, who has taken up a summer job at the shop post her graduation, says, “Three or four of us are hired on each year to help out. He adds, “We try to come up with new varieties each year, so that we can keep up with the competition there is in the market today.. While some may find what they need at home, many take to the streets to find the perfect umbrella — one that will last them through the torrential rain that is bound to come in a few days’ time.Though a bit of a hassle to get to, with no obvious markers or maps, the Chatri Bazaar is definitely worth the visit, if only to get lost in the circus ofumbrellas.

We have a number of corporate clients who buy our products in bulk,” says Deepak R. We just got a shipment of new umbrellas today with really interesting designs.”While most of the shops that line the street have four walls, Usha Umbrellas, which consists of two wooden shacks on the outside of an mill, has an equally extensive collection. Umbrellas of a rainbow of shapes and colours line every available surface of the large hall — piled on display tables, hung on hooks and stuffed into buckets. “We have umbrellas that have fans on the main rod. Some light up, and others are magic umbrellas that have blank spaces which colour up when water falls on them,” he elaborates, while showing off his collection with a flourish. Teeming with people who come in to take their pick, the shop hires temporary workers every monsoon to keep up with the crowd. Some have Warli art print, some have cartoons drawn on them of what the Mumbai monsoons really means, ones with yoga poses and a number of other varieties.

We also customise umbrellas if we are given a few days’ advance notice.A third old faithful of the umbrella bazaar is Sun Umbrellas. As the monsoon showers begin to make their presence felt, most Mumbaikars have begun their annual search for umbrellas. Stag Umbrella store. A ten-minute walk from the station takes one to Princess Street, which is lined with shops that offer umbrellas of all shapes and sizes.We take Mumbaikars through one of the most prolific umbrella markets in town. Bhagnari, the owner of the shop, whose father first began the business in the 1950s. Though a much smaller establishment, the shop boasts over 4,000 umbrellas at any given time. “The shop is now run by the original owners great grandson, Zameel Currim,” says Hyder Lakhani, the sales manager of the store.”A Madonna umbrellaAnother shop that has been around for over 50 years is Asian Umbrellas. We also have a bunch of umbrellas for kids.

While street vendors have their own clientele, those looking for some quality local goods can also make their way to the chatri bazaar near Marine Lines. The shop, with its extensive collection of over 100 different varieties of umbrellas, has been around since the 1860s.Perhaps the oldest and definitely the most well known shops in the locality is Stag Umbrellas by Ebrahim Currim and Sons


A narrow makeshift shelf can be used to store bathroom

Small or big – it does not matter what the size of your home is. What matters is how well organised everything is. Have you ever let that favourite and discounted knick knack go just because you realise there is no space to show it off? Then, fret not! Take a good look around your home and you will see the untapped potential in vertical space that is lying unused. That applies to your garden, too. Thes vertical spaces with the right creative application can transform walls, corners, niches and crooks into stylish and sophisticated spaces, apart from providing the much-needed storage facility.

Spend some time surfing the web for some amazing DIY ideas if you need to get a kick-start in the right creative direction.Some of the unused spaces lie in the form of those spaces above your cupboards, the space between tables, the space above the toilets and kitchen counter or the walls behind the flower beds. Even that two-inch space between your furniture can be used to add a floor lamp to throw a warm glow when the sun sets.  See the bare walls behind the sofa sets – add some colourful paintings to make it a gallery wall or hang personal photos to brighten up the space and add character to the room.Are you one of those people who crib about the lack of space in kitchen? Then hanging spice racks can help save counter space. If you rely on cook books to help create those yummy concoctions, then install a cook book rack on the side of your kitchen cabinets for easy access. Also, one can utilise the space behind the cabinet doors to store cutting boards.  An abandoned drawer with a nice coat of distress finish paint can turn into a hanging organiser.

A narrow makeshift shelf can be used to store bathroom accessories even in confined spaces. See that space above your cabinets that is begging to be noticed? Add some storage boxes and a planter and you have extra space.   So, there is an old door that is lying somewhere in the garage then go get it, add a coat of paint, attach some hooks, prop it against a wall and voila, you can hang planters, add some  string lights in between or use it as a coat or umbrella holder. If you have over-indulged at the nursery and don’t know what to do with the new flower pots, look for small unused ladders, prop them against an exterior wall and stack the pots on the ladder rings.



