
How do you expand your dental practice?

Scaling your dental practice may also be necessary when you notice that fixed costs like rent and salaries are growing rapidly, so you need to scale up in order to stay profitable. Keep the following factors in mind when scaling your dental practice.

Attract and Retain Key Employees
You cannot scale your dental practice if you are short on the human resource side of your practice. Scaling can also be hard if you keep losing the employees that you hire. Your first task in scaling the dental practice should begin with mapping out how you will get and retain A-team members.
Systemize Your Operations
Another challenge will emerge once you start hiring extra dentists or related professionals to work in your dental practice. How do you get rid of that uneasiness that they will not do things in the exact way that you would like them to?
The answer to this lies in systemizing your practice. Create systems that make it possible for the practice to stay functional and profitable even without you.

Get the Right Technology
The third key component of scaling your dental practice is by acquiring technology that will enable the practice to become more efficient and profitable.

For example, the portable dental x ray unit外部リンク can reduce the time needed to move a patient to another room in order to have diagnostic tests done. Similarly, the intraoral camera with screen外部リンク can allow you to take detailed images of the dental structures of the patient when that patient is sitting in the dental chair.

Know Your Numbers
Two key metrics need to be considered by anyone attempting to scale a dental practice. First, at what rate is your revenue growing?
Secondly, you need to know the rate at which your income is growing. Always aim at income growth rates that are higher than revenue growth rates.


What are the facilities for dental disinfection?

What are the facilities for dental disinfection?

If a school-based dental sealant program decides to use reusable instruments, the program should use only sterilizers manufactured for medical or dental instruments and supplies to ensure proper sterilization. These can be acquired from dental-equipment suppliers. Different types of sterilizers are available: steam under pressure (also called dental autoclave sterilizer外部リンク) and dry heat.

Steam-under-pressure sterilizers
Steam-under-pressure sterilizers allow for the sterilization of a wide range of materials. Temperature, pressure, and time are the main factors in this process. The higher the temperature, the greater the pressure, and the shorter the sterilization cycle. There are two basic types of steam sterilizers—gravity displacement and pre- and post-vacuum.

Dry-heat sterilizers
Dry-heat sterilizers employ high temperatures to destroy microorganisms. These sterilizers are considered effective and safe for metal instruments because the process does not cause rust or corrosion. There are two kinds of dry heat sterilizers: (1) the traditional “toaster oven” style, which take 1 hour to sterilize instruments, and (2) the COX Dry Heat Sterilizer, which can sterilize instruments in 6 minutes.

Ultrasonic Cleaners
All dental instruments should be decontaminated before they are sterilized. The ultrasonic cleaner is an effective tool for removing blood, saliva, and debris from dental materials before sterilization. Size, weight, and cost are all considerations in selecting an ultrasonic cleaner.

Check here more “china dental equipment外部リンク”.


What features should you consider when buying a portable dental unit?

What features should you consider when buying a portable dental unit?

Suction Canister and Purging Ability – The suction canister should be sized to allow for a standard day of procedures with normal rinsing during treatment. Generally, a good baseline is that the canister should hold around two to three liters of liquid. The canister should prevent overflowing by shutting off the vacuum when full and should have an indicator light to let staff know the system needs to be emptied.

Another area when considerportable dental unit外部リンク for in office use is a hands-free solution to emptying the contents of the suction canister through a pump and discharge hose system. This eliminates the need to have to manually dump and clean the canister. A purge system can be used to discharge directly into a sink basin or a convenient quick disconnect connected to the plumbing drain system. Once empty, the system can be easily rinsed by evacuating clean water and then cleaned overnight by suctioning in enzymatic cleaner that breaks down the proteins in blood and saliva.

Compressed Air and Handpiece Performance – When evaluating a portable dental unit with compressor, make sure that the internal air compressor provided can produce enough air flow at the right pressure to operate air driven dental turbine handpieces properly. Even electrical dental high speeds use air for cooling and need proper air flow.

Don’t be tricked into using horsepower to try and compare models. Unfortunately, horsepower ratings have a wide range of latitude and marketing companies have used the HP rating to trick many consumers into believing one model is more powerful than another. This is often seen in electric hand tools sold in the big box stores. The best way is to find out if the system you are evaluating can adequately run common brands of dental turbine unit外部リンク for an extended period without pressure dropping.

Related article:
Basic Dental Chair Parts You Should Know


How to eliminate bad breath?

How to eliminate bad breath?

There’s no other way to say it – bad breath is unsocial. Fortunately, with good dental care and a few good home remedies, bad breath can be banished. Most often, the offender can be traced to a buildup of bad bacteria in the mouth, so good oral hygiene is essential. Other causes include foods, smoking, dry mouth, medications, gum disease, and sinus conditions.

Chronic bad breath, called halitosis, is often a sign of early-stage gum disease.

Floss! – Food particles stuck between teeth emit a foul odor as they decay – need we say more?
Scrape – A tongue scraper will remove bacteria trapped beneath taste buds.

If you brush and floss regularly and still can’t defeat bad breath, consult your dentist. After an examination, he or she can diagnose the root cause of bad breath and recommend the proper method of treatment.

Most importantly, you need to keep up the good habit of checking your teeth regularly. Making an appointment for a dental office, which with the best china dental equipment外部リンク, and the dental tools are well sterilized with dental autoclave sterilizer外部リンク.


What are the dental laboratory tools ?

Dental impressions and molds
No two mouths are alike. Before making any teeth, a DLT needs to know the details of a patient’s bite. Wax bite rims or other impression tools can record the shape and size of a person’s teeth, the dimensions of their mouth, and other specific, personalized information.

Abrasive blaster
When a crown or other prosthetic comes out of the furnace, it will still have bits of molding adhered to it. The process of making a tooth generally goes from using coarse to fine tools, and freeing the tooth from its mold involves one of the more high-powered tools available to the DLT. True to its name, an abrasive blaster (usually a sand blaster) blows chunks of molding off of the prosthetic. After the blasting treatment, only the porcelain or other material is left.

Electric handpieces
After the material’s had the mold remnants blasted from it, it will need to be shaped. Electric handpieces with spinning heads can grind and form the prosthetic, bringing it closer to something that can rest in a patient’s mouth.

Files, picks, and other hand tools
Dental laboratory tools need to have an eye for detail. Teeth have crevices, curves, points, and other unique features. DLTs rely on their own hands and eyes to create and bring life to the finer points of a tooth.

Dental lathe
The spinning dental lathe might look like a bench grinder, but it’s for delicate, work.

If you are interested in some dental lab equipments, such as denture injection system外部リンク, dental laboratory sandblasters外部リンク,etc. click here “dental online store china外部リンク
” to check more.


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